FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
All Registrations for Cloverdale Minor Baseball are done on-line.
The online registration session for the Spring Season will open in late-November of the year prior. An email notification will go out through the system accounts to notifiy users when Registration is open. To allow preparation time for the upcoming season, divisions may close or fill up at various times. It is best to register sooner rather than later.
Watch our website and our Facebook page in November for the dates.
Below are fees that will be above and beyond registration rates that are required by each player, unless otherwise noted:
- A $175.00 "Volunteer Duty Deposit
- You will have the option to "Opt Out" of volunteering and pay the fee of $200
For full season registrations, families must complete a volunteer shift PER each child registered within the organization. Volunteering within the association ranges from a variety of positions or duties, the most common being to perform a shift within the concession.
You child/ren WILL NOT be placed on a team until your deposit cheque(s) is received.
- Players who are Tadpole and older MUST bring the deposit cheque(s) (if applicable), to their assessments/try outs or make other arrangements if unable to attend.
- For Blastball - Super T, post dated cheque(s) are required and can be mailed in.
Please postdate all cheques for June 1st and made out to Cloverdale Minor Baseball. Please indicate your child's name and level of play in the "memo" area of the cheque.
REMINDER: 1 cheque is needed PER child registered. Please send your cheque(s) to: Box 34163 – 17790 #10 Highway Surrey, BC V3S 8C4
Cheques will be destroyed upon completion of commitments; they will NOT be returned.
Divisions are determined by a child’s age in the current calendar year. Please see our registration form for further information.
Click Here for Registration Rates
Spring Season - Refunds - You can request a full refund prior to February 15th and/or a 50% partial refund prior to March 1st . the Association will retain $25.00 from the refund to cover the processing fees we paid during the on-line registration. Refunds will be issued in the form of a credit to your TeamSnap account (minus the admin fee). Refunds processed back to the original form of payment will be done at the discretion of the Treasurer and President and done on a case-by-case basis. No refunds will be issued past this date. You must fill out the Refund Request Form and submit to the Treasurer for approval (Treasurer@cloverdalebaseball.com)
NO refunds will be issued past March 1st for the Spring Season.
Fall Season - refunds will be given at the discretion of the association as this season is short and more focused on training/development.
You will also be responsible for covering all outstanding fees/payments/invoices attached to your profile. Any outstanding fees will be collected first and a remaining balance of the refund issued minus admin cost of $25.
Camps/Clinics - Any camps/clinics that have been registered for, you may request a refund up to 72 hours prior to the camp/clinic start. The association will retain $25 from the refund to cover the processing fees we paid during the on-line registration. Refunds will be issued in the form of a credit to your TeamSnap account (minus the admin fee).
NO refunds will be issued until a Refund Request Form has been submitted to the Treasurer.
Please reach out to the Registrars should you have questions.
As our organization is 100% volunteer based, we rely on our membership to volunteer their time to assist with various duties around the park. If you have not completed your volunteer duty via our online Volunteer's section, you will be charged $175 via the deposit cheque provided at time of registration.
Adversly, you may also be invoiced for any outstanding fees from the previous or current season. These will need to be cleared up for your account to be in good standing. Failiure to repay any fees may result in your child(ren), not being placed on a team or able to attend assessments until the account is cleared up.
For more information on volunteering, please see Volunteer FAQs
The Cloverdale Ball Park is located at 17383 61A Avenue in Surrey.
Cloverdale Minor is governed by boundaries that are set out by BC Minor. If you reside outside these boundaries then a Player Release Form will be required from your area's current catchment Association President and the CMBA President.
Cloverdale Minor Baseball's catchment area is now defined as:
The northern boundary is 76 Avenue from 152 Street in the west to 172 Street, north along 172 Street to 88 Avenue, and along 88 Avenue to 196 Street in the east.
The western boundary is 152 Street from 76 Avenue in the north to 40 Avenue in the south.
The eastern boundary is 196 Street from 88 Avenue in the north to 40 Avenue in the south.
The southern boundary follows the Earl Marriott Secondary School boundary, of 40 Avenue from 196 Street in the east to 176 Street, then angling northwest to intersect the Serpentine River and following the Serpentine River to 152 Street in the west.
Click here to see a map of Cloverdale's, Surrey Canadian's, and Newton's boundaries.
Please note that for Challenger Division, there are no geographic boundaries. Players can live in any association catchment and play for Cloverdale.
A Player Movement Form must be filled out and submitted to the President of the home organization (the organziation that falls within your boundary of residence).
A player may apply for Preliminary Try-Out Approval by completing the Try-out Player Release Form and emailing it to the presidents of both their home and try out associations. The home association president will confirm if the try-out level is being offered or not and forward the email to the BCMBA Player Eligibility Chair, cc’ing the player/family and the try-out association
No player movement has effect until the BCMBA Player Eligibility Committee has granted approval.
The following associations provide help with registration costs for youth amateur sports. A form can be downloaded from their website, completed and submitted:
KidSport - British Columbia
Canadian Tire Jumpstart
Let Kids Play Foundation
Please note: CMBA registrars are not responsible for filling out or filing any paper work associated with income assistance
Any registration that is received after the 'Early Bird' timing will be considered a Late Registration.
By waiting to register, you are also taking a chance that your child could be placed on a waiting list for their division.
CMBA pays for the team pictures out of the registration fee. Additional pictures are purchased separately on Picture Day.
You can visit our Registration page for more information or view our Registration and Fees Policies under our Documents tab.
Summer Ball is an elite All-Star program that starts July 1st and lasts through most of the summer. Teams are determined by Try-outs, which does mean some kids will unfortunately be cut.
Tadpole Summer Ball season lasts for the month of July with 1-3 games per week and a season ending tournament near the end of July. The team(s) may opt to play in additional tourneys through the summer season. Modified Mosquito rules are used, with live pitching in every inning. This league travels to other associations' parks (such as Surrey, Newton, North Delta, Ladner, etc.) for games.
Mosquito Summer Ball season runs from July 1st to the end of the August Long Weekend. Games are 2-3 times per week plus weekend tournaments. Teams that are successful in the Summer League qualify for Provincials.
Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget Summer Ball seasons run from July 1st through most of August. Games are played throughout the Lower Mainland with successful teams qualifying for Provincials. These teams can also qualify for Western and National Finals.
NOTE - An additional registration fee is required for Summer Ball to the association. Players receive a summer ball uniform, including jersey and hat, that they will keep. Some summer teams may institute team fees to help cover the costs of additional tournaments and/or team swag.
Fall Ball season runs from about the last week of August until around mid October. Fall ball teams are formed from kids who will be playing in Tadpole through Bantam divisions in the Next spring season. For example, the Pee Wee fall ball team would be made up of kids who played 2nd year Mosquito or 1st year Pee Wee this past spring season.
In conjunction with the Rangers High Performance program, the CMBA will offer tiered team play and practices. Assessments/try-outs will occur in order to form the high performance Fall teams. Depending on the number of players interested in each division, teams will be selected for additional practices and rep level games, additional pitching and hitting instruction and potentially travel tournaments. Additional registration and fees will apply.
Those that are unsuccessful in making a Rangers team, will be able to play for the CMBA House team.
** Note - the structure of the tiered teams will depend on the number of players interested.
Cloverdale Minor does not have set playing nights. Games are scheduled on all 7 days of the week and teams play 1-2 games per week. Game time on the weeknights is often 6pm (5:30pm in April), game times on Saturdays are often 9am, 12pm, 3pm & 6pm (2:45pm & 5:30pm in April) and game times on Sundays are 9am, 12pm, 3pm & 6pm (2:45pm & 5:30pm in April).
Each player in Blastball thru Mosquito is given a playing schedule at the beginning of the season with all of their game times listed. Blastball, T-Ball, and Super-T usually do not play on Sundays. Sometimes, weather may play a factor and result in game cancellations. These games will try to be rescheduled for a later date within the season.
Players in Tadpole and Mosquito will need to attend a skills evaluation day. This session helps the Coaches assess a child’s skills so when teams are put together they can be as balanced as possible.
For Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget players, we hold try-out sessions for our elite programs (AA, AAA).
For those players not wishing to try out for an elite team, there are also skill evaluation sessions for those players to assess a players skill level so teams can be balanced.
Evaluation and Try-Out times will be announced at a later date.
Each individual Coach will be responsible to determine amount of practices and times for their team. The coach will communicate these dates and times with the team.
For most divisions, the spring baseball season typically starts at the beginning of April and closes at the end of June.
The general rules for each division are set out by BC Minor. To review them, simply click on the Divisions tab on our home page.
Blastball, T-Ball, Super-T, Tadpole and Mosquito play all of their games at Cloverdale Ball Park. Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget are traveling divisions and use our park as their home field.
For a map of the various diamonds/parks in Cloverdale can be found HERE.
Each child will require the following:
- baseball glove
- batting helmet
- athletic protection
- grey baseball pants
Kids generally start wearing cleats in Mosquito however, cleats are highly recommended starting in Tadpole (or even Super-T). No metal cleats are allowed until Bantam level.
Traditionally on the last Saturday of the regular season is our Closing Ceremonies. On this day we hold our awards ceremony, All-Star games for Tadpole and Mosquito and Fun Day Games. Fun Day Games start at 10am and end at approximately 11:30am with lots of fun games set up for play of all ages. The cost is absolutely free and all players and families are welcome to attend.
Cloverdale Minor baseball is a volunteer led organization. With the amount of work to be done during the season, we could not do it without the parents efforts and their volunteer time. The money made from the concession is used to pay the umpires and without it, our registration fees would be much higher.
Families must complete ONE volunteer shift per each child registered within the organization. Volunteering within the association ranges from a variety of positions or duties, the most common being to perform a shift within the concession. To have your volunteer credits recognized, you must sign up through the "Volunteer Website".
Duties that have been assigned directly by the team (eg: Team manager, score keeper, fied prep, etc.), DO NOT count towards volunteer requirements.
For those that coach a team during the season, your volunteer commitment will be fulfilled in this way. In order to be classified as a "coach", you must have registered and completed all appropriate paperwork, (submit a CRC (Criminal Record Check), a Volunteer Form A, and complete the Coaches Code of Conduct), through the Coaches Registration via TeamSnap.
- Head coaches will have all of their volunteer commitments fulfilled for all of their children.
- For asst coaches, only the child in which you coach will be fulfilled for volunteer duties.
You can access the Cloverdale Minor Baseball Volunteer Sessions to sign up for a shift. You will need to enter in your account information or create a new account to access the site.
Various volunteer dates/times will be available through the course of the season. Most frequently available, is the concession shift. Your shift in the CMBA concession is a 4-hour shift. The duties include handling cash, food prep, barbequing, and clean up at the end of the night.
You can also volunteer by becoming a coach/assistant coach for your child's team. For more information about coaching, please visit Coaches FAQs
***NOTE: General duties to assist the team (ie-field prep, score keeping, etc.), do not count towards volunteer credits.
At registration time, you can "opt-out" of doing volunteer duty by paying the $200 "Volunteer Duty Opt-Out". The money from the opt out payments will allow us to hire people to fill concession shifts when we are short of volunteer workers.
Should you chose to fulfill your volunteer duties, but do not complete them within the season, you will be charged a $175 volunteer fee. If this fee is left unpaid, your child will not be placed on a team the following season until your account is up to date.
Although it would be nice to say, "forget about it", we unfortunately cannot. If the shift you sign up for is cancelled, you will need to select another shift at a later date.
Unless you have been notified (or information is posted to the CMBA web site) , you will still have to report to the concession to make sure that the duty is cancelled. Sometimes T-ball or Super-T may be cancelled but the higher divisions will still try to get a game in, which means the concession is open.
No, children are not allowed in the concession at any time.
You must be 16 years of age or older to sign up to work in the concession. There are NO substitutions or volunteers allowed younger than 16 without prior approval from the Concession Manager. You must be 14 years or older to be in the concession since it is an operating food establishment. You will be required to follow all food safety guidelines set out by the association.
For those that coach a team during the season, your volunteer commitment will be fulfilled in this way. In order to be classified as a "coach", you must have registered and completed all appropriate paperwork, (submit a CRC (Criminal Record Check), a Volunteer Form A, and complete the Coaches Code of Conduct), through the Coaches Registration via TeamSnap.
- Head coaches will have all of their volunteer commitments fulfilled for all of their children.
- For asst coaches, only the child in which you coach will be fulfilled for volunteer duties.
You may also be required to complete certain training for your applicable age level. Please refer to our Coaching section on our website for more infomation
If you are interested in coaching, please see the Coaching section
Well there’s never been a better time to learn!!!! All you need is the enthusiasm and willingness to learn. We welcome Dad’s and Mom’s to get involved with coaching. A great coaching resource is online at www.baseballbclibrary.com.
We will also attempt to pair you up with someone that has previous coaching experience.
No experience necessary! In our younger Divisions (Blastball thru Tadpole), we have a set of practice plans for you to follow. Every practice is laid out for you so all you have to do is follow the plans.
We have a number of clinics to help you throughout the season. We will be offering Coaches training sessions both during the season and in the off-season. We also offer shadow coaching at our Pre-season clinics. You will be able to get hands on experience with our professional coaches and learn some tricks of the trade. Please watch our website for more info.
Welcome! We have a great bunch of friendly individuals who belong to our organization!!!! We will be able to pair you up with one of these great coaches.
Typically, depending on the level of play, coaching consists of 1-2 practices a week and 1-2 games a week. A copy of the game schedule will be provided to you prior to the start of the season. You can pick your practice dates/times around your scheduled games.
We understand that everyone has a life outside of the ball field. That is why there are usually 2-3 coaches per team, (and lots of extra parents who would be happy to help). So, if one can’t make it to a game, the others can take over or a parent can help out.
You can visit the Coaches page on our website or view the Coach Policies under the Documents Section.
To register for Challenger Division, the players parent or guardian will need to complete the online registration.
Please visit the registration tab to register.
For more informatio on the Challenger program, please visit the Challenger area under the "Programs" tab,
Challenger Division does not have geographic boundaries between associations. Players can live in other associations catchments and still play for Cloverdale.
There are no registration fees for Challenger division. The costs associated with Challenger are covered through donations, fundraising and Cloverdale Baseball Association.
Parents and guardians for players in Challenger Division are not obligated to complete a volunteer requirement. Although volunteering is always welcomed!
Jerseys are provided are provided by Cloverdale Minor Baseball and will need to be returned at the end of the season. The players will keep their own hats after the season is complete.
All Challenger Division games will be held on Diamond 4, directly across from the Concession at the Cloverdale Ball Park.
Games are every Sunday at 1 pm starting on the third Sunday of April, and the last on the second Sunday of June. With the exception of May long weekend.
Please contact Jeff Sandes, CMBA Challenger Division Co-ordinator

Kids who are Mosquito age and higher are eligible to become Umpires. We offer a 2 day course, free of charge, in our park to train the kids. This course takes place in late March or early April.
Please contact Umpire In Chief, Gord McFarlane for more information: gordmcfarlane@hotmail.com
Each Umpire will have the option to purchase a uniform with registration of the Umpire course. An Umpire clicker and a plate dusting brush are typically included as well.
Additional protective gear can be obtained prior to the start of games in the green equipment bin.
All Umpires must check in at least 30 minutes prior to their assigned game at the Concession. Plate Umpires will find their equipment in the “green bin” located behind the Concession. The umpires will be provided baseballs for the game they are umpiring by the concession.
It is the Umpires responsibility to return the equipment to the bin at the end of the game. Umpires will be paid at the Concession after their game is completed.
For more information about Cloverdale Minor Baseball's Communicable Disease Safety plan, please visit https://www.cloverdalebaseball.com/documents
In addition to the Safety Plan, the association is abiding by the fluidity of the Provincial Ministry of Health, ViaSport, BaseballBC, and BCMBA in regards to "Return to Play" guidelines.
For more information, please visit the Bullying and/or Harassment Page: Bullying & Harrassment
Quick Links
Cloverdale Minor Baseball Association
Box 34163 – 17790 #10 Highway
Surrey, BC V3S 8C4