The upcoming 2025 baseball registration will bring exciting changes to our local baseball association. We are excited to be partnering with our BC Minor Baseball Association (BCMBA) neighbor Newton Canadian Baseball Association. The combined goal is to work closely together to bring the best player/team development model to Surrey under this new vision in partnering together that will encompass working together in all respective BCMBA divisions from 5U through 18U.

Vision Statement
The Cloverdale Minor Baseball Association is committed to excellence through exemplary leadership and integrity.
Our vision is to make a lasting impact on the personal development of our players by developing the qualities of citizenship, teamwork and physical well-being and create a culture where kids love to play the game while developing into superior citizens. The joy they find in these experiences will last a lifetime.
Spring Registration 2025 Season
The registration is open for the upcoming season
Baseball programs
5U Blastball
BlastBall!® provides an ideal entry level of play for the youngster who will go on to other advanced levels of the game. BlastBall!® is meant to put FUN in to the game of Baseball. BlastBall!® teaches all five basic fundamentals of baseball and softball… Hitting, Throwing, Catching, Running, and Fielding.
6U T-ball
Players’ first experiences in baseball should be filled with active and engaging activities that are developmentally appropriate for their age. Cloverdale Minor Baseball chose to adapt the Rally Cap Program at the T-Ball (6U) level; developed with the purpose of making baseball attractive to young players, and to ensure their first experiences with the game were positive and long lasting.
7U Super-T
At the Super-T level, the name of the game is teaching kids baseball. This not only includes the playing aspect but
also instilling a love for the game. Super T was developed to allow the second year T-Ball players a chance to grow their game and start to learn the fundamentals and rules of baseball. At this level, players get introduced to the pitching machine.
9U Tadpole
The 2 year Tadpole program continues to develop baseball acumen while emphasizing having fun while focused on continued learning and developing the skills of baseball – pitching, batting, throwing, fielding and base running.
11U Mosquito
Mosquito (11U) is CMBA’s first year of tiered baseball. In this program, kids will have the opportunity to tryout for our American League (which is our “rep” program) or you can opt into our National League (which is our “recreational” program).
13U Pee Wee
In the Pee Wee (13U) division, athletes have the opportunity to tryout to play for our AAA and AA Rep teams or play in our A house league. Pee Wee is played on 70’ base paths with the pitching mound at 48’. Leadoffs, balks and dropped third strikes are introduced at this level.
All players bat in rotation, as 9 man ball is not in effect at this level (except for Pee Wee AAA).
15U Bantam
The Bantam division is tiered and at all levels the teams travel to play other associations. Players may try out for the "AA" or "AAA" teams that offer a more competitive level of play. These teams will play similar level teams from other associations. Players not selected to the "AA" or "AAA" teams will be selected to one of the "A" teams which offer a more recreational level of play. These "A" teams will play "A" teams from other associations.
18U Midget
The Midget division is tiered and at all levels the teams travel to play other associations. Players may try out for the "AAA" team that offers a more competitive level of play. The "AAA" team will play "AAA" teams from other associations. Players not selected to the "AAA" team will be selected to one of the "AA" teams which offer a more recreational level of play. These "AA" teams will play "AA" teams from other associations.
Except for at the "AAA" level, all players bat in rotation as 9 man ball is not in effect.
26U Junior Mens
The Jr Mens division is about giving the players a chance to play, so teams have the option of playing "9 player ball", of batting everyone in the line-up, or anything in between. However fair play rules are in effect, where each player must get at least one at bat and play three defensive innings in the field. The games are 9 innings, with a minimum of 7 innings in the event of a mercy.
All teams travel to play other associations within the lower mainland.
This is a single season league, with games starting mid April, and running until end of July.
High Performance
For the aspiring baseball players and families, nothing beats an opportunity to compete at a high level without breaking the bank. That’s where our Cloverdale Rangers High Performance program shines! We ensure that our players receive top-notch training and opportunities to compete against the best locally, nationally, and abroad. Are you wondering how we maintain such a standard at an unbeatable price? It simply revolves around our commitment to keeping sports affordable, ensuring that no budding talent gets left behind due to financial constraints.
An opportunity for children with cognitive or physical disabilities to enjoy the thrill of playing baseball, being part of a team, developing physical and social skill plus all the benefits of participation in baseball at a level structured to their abilities.
Games are played in a fun, safe environment where no score is kept.
Our philosophy is very simple: 'Play, just for fun!!'
Quick Links
Cloverdale Minor Baseball Association
Box 34163 – 17790 #10 Highway
Surrey, BC V3S 8C4