
General Info
Umpires are frequently children, and most are learning how to Umpire. They deserve the respect and cooperation of all coaches, players and parents. CMBA has a zero tolerance towards abuse of our Umpires.
Umpires shall be given a 2-day course in Umpiring from CMBA’s Umpire-in-Chief. The Umpire Allocator for each division will assign games to Umpires.
Umpires are required to check in at the concession at least 30 minutes before their assigned game.
Umpire equipment is located in the large green bin above the parking lot next to the Clubhouse. It is the responsibility of the Umpire to return the equipment to its proper place in the bin when the game is finished. Any broken equipment should be reported to the Equipment Manager.
Once the game has started the Umpire will have complete charge of the game, and all his decisions on judgement plays will be FINAL. The home plate umpire can reverse a base umpire call only if the base umpire misinterprets a rule, not on a judgement call.
Coaches may approach an Umpire to clarify rule interpretations only.
All ejections are to be reported to the Umpire-in-Chief and a proper report filled out and filed with BCBUA.
Coaches are to make notes on Umpires performances (both plate and field) and forward to the Umpire-In-Chief or Umpire Allocator with any pointers that can help their future games.
The Umpire-in-Chief or Umpire Allocator has the authority to suspend an Umpire from any further Umpiring jobs if they miss two games without notification.
Bodily Fluid Rule (Blood) - ALL DIVISIONS:
The Umpires shall remove any player during a game who is bleeding or who has an open wound, from the field of play. The player may return to the game only after the bleeding has stopped and the affected or open wound has been completely and securely covered to the satisfaction of the Umpires.
Should the same player start bleeding again or the affected area shows signs of bleeding, the Umpire can remove the player for the duration of the game.
Should any blood be on the player’s uniform, it must be washed out completely to the satisfaction of the Umpire prior to the player returning to the game.
The substitute player is only a courtesy player until the original player returns. The substitute player is the last player to be recorded with an out in your line-up. If no out has occurred, it will be the last batter of the previous inning or if no inning has been played, the last person on the line-up.
Pay Rates
Regular/Single Season
Division | Plate | Base | |
Junior Mens | $95 | $85 | * 9-inning game |
Midget College Prep | N/A | N/A | |
Midget AAA | N/A | N/A | |
Midget AA | $75 | $70 | |
Bantam AAA | $65 | $60 | |
Bantam AA | $60 | $55 | |
Bantam A | $60 | $55 | |
Peewee AAA | $50 | $45 | |
Peewee AA | $45 | $40 | |
Peewee A | $45 | $40 | |
Mosquito AL | $40 | $35 | |
Mosquito NL | $35 | $30 | |
Tadpole | $30 | $25 |
Summer Season
Division | Plate | Base | |
Bantam A Summer | $60 | $55 | *summer season only |
Peewee AA Summer | $45 | $40 | *summer season only |
Peewee A Summer | $45 | $40 | |
Mosquito Summer | $40 | $35 | |
Tadpole Summer | $30 | $25 | * summer season only |
Game Allocation
Cloverdale Minor Baseball umpire game allocations are done through a online program.
To obtain a login profile for the system, contact our Umpire In Chief ( Gord McFarlane ) at In your email include your contact information (name, phone, email, umpire level, and divisions you are interested in working).
Once you have been added into the allocation program, you will be automatically notified as each division allocator publishes available game slots.
Game Cancellation
The following policy regarding the cancellation of games applies at all levels:
- If a game has been cancelled in advance (i.e. posted to the web site, and allocators and coordinators notified) then nobody gets paid. If the weather is questionable the umpires should check the web site before heading to the park to be sure, even if they have not directly heard from the umpire allocator.
- If everyone shows up but game does not go on for whatever reason (weather, forfeit, etc) then umpires get paid half.
- If game starts but but is terminated part way through then umpires get paid in full.
Arriving Late
It is your responsibility to arrive at the park 30 minutes prior to game time. Please be sure to check in with concession immediately when you arrive. In the event you are going to be late, call Gord @ 604-375-1760. Failure to do so could result in a suspension!
If an umpire does not arrive in time for the scheduled game start time, every effort will be made to try to find a replacement umpire for that game. If your partner hasn’t arrived and it is 15 minutes to game time, you are to inform concession and call Gord @ 604-375-1760.
If it is the plate umpire who is late, the first choice will be to move the base umpire to plate and to then find a replacement base umpire. Once the decision to move the base umpire to plate has been made, if the late umpire arrives he will then become the base umpire instead.
If the late umpire arrives after a suitable replacement umpire has been found, the replacement umpire is now the umpire of record and the umpire who arrived late is out of luck and is not entitled to any pay. We WILL NOT allow an umpire who has arrived after a game has started to take the place of a replacement umpire who has already started working the game.
Dress Code
Cloverdale is proud to present for all teams playing at our parks a professional appearance by our umpires. Our dress code includes the following;
- black BCBUA logo hat
- black BCBUA logo shirt (always tucked in)
- black undershirt
- black belt (not a ball pants belt)
- grey pleated slacks
- black socks (not ankle socks)
- black athletic shoes (not dress shoes) always clean and tied
For new umpires, a bulk purchase is organized at our clinic which will include the BCBUA logo hat, shirt along with a ball bag, plate brush & indicator.
Cold Weather
As you all know especially early in the year, our park can get quite chilly in the evening. Our priority is umpires are warm and comfortable. An umpire may wear whatever is required (regardless of color) over their uniform to ensure they are not cold while working a game. Hoodies are ideal as they have the pocket in front where hands can be kept between pitches. Gloves are also permitted and should be black if possible.
NOTE… What ever is worn must be clean and tidy.
Plate Umpire Gear
All plate Umpire Gear is provided at the park. Each diamond has it’s own set of gear which includes;
- Helmet (masks are available as well)
- Chest protector
- Leg Guards
NOTE… When working on the Plate, an athletic supporter is mandatory!
Please, when returning plate gear to its storage area do everything you can to keep our area clean and tidy. DO NOT SIMPLY THROW THE GEAR BACK IN!!! This gear is expensive, is designed to keep you safe and requires you treat it with care to make it last!
Should you wish to purchase your own equipment, please give Gord a call @ 604-375-1760 or contact Jerry @ Pro Image Officials Supply Inc.
Please see the Rules section here.
Quick Links
Cloverdale Minor Baseball Association
Box 34163 – 17790 #10 Highway
Surrey, BC V3S 8C4