Boulanger Memorial Tournament

Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis as there are limited spots available for the tournaments.

Your spot will not be secured until payment has been received.

Payments/Refunds - If payment is not recieved within 45 days of the Tournament start date, you will forfiet your spot in the tournament and it will be given to the next team on the waitlist.  Full refunds will only be granted if requested minimum 45 days prior to the Tournament start date.  Refunds requested within the 45 days will be subject to a 50% refund.

Tournament Coordinators

Tournament Registrar

2024 Boulanger Memorial Tournament

June 26th, 2024 - July 1st, 2024

Tadpole 8U

$450 + balls 2 Spots Left!

Mosquito 10UA

$475 + balls FULL - please contact to be put on the waitlist

Mosquito 11U AAA T2/AA

$475 + balls FULL - please contact to be put on waitlist

Mosquito AAA Tier 1

$475 + balls FULL - please contact to be put on waitlist

Peewee 13U AA

$500 + balls FULL - please contact to be put on the waitlist

Bantam 15U AA

$525 + balls FULL - please contact to be put on waitlist

Registration OPENS Jan 1st for the Boulanger Tournament


  • 1 case of balls for the applicable division entered must be supplied
  • 8 teams per division, 4 games minimum
  • MVPs for each game
  • Trophies for Top 2 teams

Tournament Rules

Tadpole 8U

Mosquito 10U/11U

Peewee AA

Bantam AA

Roster Form

Teams must submit a roster form via TeamSnap Tournament before they are locked.


There is an opportunity for live action photography during the tournament.  Please see this flyer from Dave Palmer Photography.

Tournament Codes of Conduct

Please review and sign the Tournament Coaches Code of Conduct.  You must detach the bottom and return it to the Tournament Coordinators on Day 1 of the tournament.

All associations must also sign the Tournament Code of Conduct upon registration of the tournament.  All players, staff, and families that are with an organization are bound by the Code of Conduct signed on behalf of their home association.

Tournament Schedules

All schedules will be posted and available on the TeamSnap Tournament App approximately one week before the start of the tournament.


** Note - If your team is marked as payment pending but has submitted a cheque via mail it may still be in processing.

All games are played in Cloverdale Ball Park (17383 61A Ave, Surrey)
Google Map             Park Site Map

Make Cheques Payable to CMBA and mail to:

Cloverdale Minor Baseball Association – Tournament Registration
P.O. Box 34163
17790 #10 Highway
Surrey BC  V3S 8C4

Alternatively, you can submit payment via e-transfer to:

Please include your association name & division level(s) in Memo area

​Note: Cloverdale Minor Baseball Reserves the right to deny entry into our Tournaments at our discretion

If a division is full, please contact the Tournament Coordinator to be added to the Waitlist.

Quick Links

Cloverdale Minor Baseball Association
Box 34163 – 17790 #10 Highway
Surrey, BC V3S 8C4